Welcome from The Director

Our school emphasis is on Learning and not teaching. It is our effort to provide holistic education where children evolve as self-motivated, confident leaders with creative, spiritual and intellectual qualities.
The Ark has been educating children since 2007, though much has changed over the years, our aim remains the same. The Ark represents a cross-section of the society and we are one big family regardless of our background. We learn to create new and strong bold bonds with each other which will last a lifetime. As a Christian school, we spread the Gospel and our motto of Care, Comfort, Compassion, and Commitment.

We spread the Gospel and our motto of Care, Comfort, Compassion, and Commitment.

Our vision and mission are built around these 4Cs. With our small classroom numbers, our students begin a ten-year journey where each child is recognized and nurtured in their uniqueness. The development of each child’s character and personality is as important as academic outcome, that’s why we have extra programs on leadership and different intellectual development for every learner.

Miriam Wipfler

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